Emily Meyers

A Digital History Portfolio

Class ExperiencesTeaching and Learning History in the Digital Age

First Piece of The Puzzle

Project Ideas?!

With my research, I want to start looking into emotions in Early Modern England and gender and I would like to do something with that for my final project. I have not decided exactly what, but I have started learning about melancholy and how it was diagnosed differently between men versus women. I would love to incorporate this into this class. I would would be aiming this project to be a research source for secondary educated people looking into mental health.

My scope would be looking at only five emotions or so and see where the data is different from social stereotypes. The first example I have found is that melancholy was more commonly seen in men but was assumed to be a woman’s affliction. I would like to have some access for researchers to see that there was an opposite reaction socially about emotions despite medical proof. I would like this to be a site full of books like Sleepless Souls or The Anatomy of Melancholy. I am still fleshing out all of these ideas, but I want this to be a medical and social history resource for mental health.


Hopefully I won’t change my mind too much as we go forward!

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