Emily Meyers

A Digital History Portfolio

Research Blogs

Post Grad Burnout Struggles

Hello and Welcome!

Thanks for coming to my page or coming back. This is where my blogs about my current research will go. However, I think it would be disingenuous of me to not include how I am feeling as I know many of us struggle with post grad burnout because post college is a strange place to be. I have this fear that if I don’t start researching as soon as possible, I am not using my degree and it is useless. Obviously that is not completely true, it just feels that way if that makes sense. I think this is similar to the need to find a post grad job as well.

So long story short I am feeling burnt out… but excited? If you know, you know so I will jump right into it.

Attempting a Schedule

Starting with the fact that there is no schedule dictated for you, means you need to find something that works for you if continued work in that field is the path you want to take. Up until now most of us have had an academic schedule of September to May (in the West at least), so the drop off can feel scary. What do I do? Where do I start? How do I even manage it? Where is my support to push me?

I found that finding the times that I do my best work and trying to create a schedule is best. I love coffee shop afternoons and late night writing or researching. So now my schedule is a “normal” job Monday through Thursday and weekend late afternoon and night writing. For me, place and time dictate my writing mood. This can be a bit difficult but I am trying to come at it from a place of acceptance. Can’t fight it so I might as well join it! Or something like that….¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (shrug)

Managing the Anxiety

Starting with a break for my brain was really important. I truly took a full week off and simply played Stardew Valley or another cute game that took no thinking. After that I needed to manage the anxiety that set in. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) so this was not new to me. Using skills like talking to myself, creating a whole Notion page to organize my plans for how I will move forward (yeah I know that’s super extra), and trying to find comfort in the freedom. Now that I don’t have college deadlines, I can write what I am interested in and have all the time in the world to deep research it. I am breathing that in and letting that be the narrative.

Obviously I am not a mental health professional. This is just to say that some fear may be normal. However, if it is affecting you to panic attacks impeding your daily life anywhere near that much, please get help. You should not have to suffer like that. Give yourself time and patience, it will come to you. This section is more for me than anything, but if I can help someone who is new to this feeling, that is wonderful. Here is Mickey Atkins, a licensed therapist that talks more about burnout from a professional perspective.

Moving forward

Just remember that you are doing your best. We are in a timeline where expectation are push on us from a young age. F them. Do what makes you happy, even if that takes time. Even if it means a whole career change. We deserve happiness! Ironically I wrote this post originally as a rant to get writing. To allow myself to be angry, tired, and have imperfect writing just to get started. I suggest this method. Write it as a journal entry, a blog, or a social media post. Whatever calls to you, just let it out of you. Don’t worry about “productivity,” just let yourself write whatever comes out.

Meme of me trying to reach my will to write and research but burnout holding me back

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