Emily Meyers

A Digital History Portfolio

Class ExperiencesDigital Public History

Annotate Oral History

So this assignment really got the best of me. I know that DH is hard when you are not a programmer or know all coding skills so I knew this would challenge me. The goal of this assignment was to put in all of the metadata into Oral History Metadata Synchronizer with an interview surrounding our project. For example, I found a video on YouTube and would type up all the metadata for the video so it can be index/searchable on a site. That was the easy part…

What am I doing?

This is what I asked myself because the next step was to download the information as an XML file (again easy) and attempt to embed it into my post here. Now I was able to get the OHMS Viewer plugin connected to my site and put the XML file in the correct folder. For clarification I am using Reclaim Hosting as my site host. The issue came when I needed the right file path to embed the work. OHMS is kind enough to give you the basic format the path should be in:


I was able to see the file path in the cpanel of Reclaim where I have my file manager. The specific web_directory path to the XML file is at /public_html/ohmsviewer/cachefiles and I found a blessed human that typed out their iframe for their site. So I attempted to copy it but add my link. What I ended up with looks like this:

<iframe height=”720px” src=”https://emilymeyers.org/public_html/ohmsviewer/viewer.php?cachefile=Deepa_Mehta_on_Water.xml” width=”100%”></iframe>

The problem is that there is something wrong with this path to not link correctly to the XML file to embed it. After two hours and WordPress told me that I had 42 revisions to my document, I figured it was time to walk away. Even though I have been working with WordPress and other sites for almost a year now with HTML coding, I am still fuzzy on path directories and embedding. I was able to at least create a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file to at least have the information if I need it for any data analysis or something similar. Deepa_Mehta_on_Water
I will use this as a growth point as I continue to play with it, but oh did I need to walk away from this! I still have a while to go and at least I learned this from of metadata use (even if it didn’t get embedded right).

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