Emily Meyers

A Digital History Portfolio

Class ExperiencesDigital Public History

Final Post!

So it is done, for now

I actually decided to redesign my site before calling it done. I found that in this process, I was challenged but it was a learning experience. When I first started, I did not think it would be easy, but the hiccups were not what I expected. I had a plugin that messed with the function of my whole site and changed the whole design plan. I was able to work around that and create a new plan.

What I ended up with

I have four mini exhibits: movies, legal acts, visual data, and further reading. I added that last section because I learned that a few of these movies were based on books and I felt it was important that people had access to the original work. Within those sections, I cleaned up my metadata and tags so the site is more search-friendly. One other small struggle I had was applying the warning to the site. Because some of the topics are sensitive, I knew I needed a warning, but I couldn’t apply it to just one section. It is now a banner across the top of the entire site, but that is ok. At least the warning is there.

What I learned

I learned that I do not know graphic design! A joke and also serious, I am not super talented in design and that is ok. I am the historian that knows how to at least set the blueprint of the site. It made me think about how I would set the museum’s physical exhibit and not only apply that to the digital space, but improve it to fit the digital space better. I made every choice with my audence in mind. I think I did the best I could for now and can’t wait to build on those skills I have learned!

Here is my site!

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